In 2019 at Equifax we switched to LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution) for macOS using the GitHub project here. The issue we found was that while LAPS was working on macOS there was no way for technicians to change or view the LAPS password in macOS, technicians had to remote into a Windows machine to see or change the admin password on any device in the company.

That is when I decided to create my own GUI application using Python3 and PyQt5 to check and reset Admin passwords from macOS.

The header is a screenshot of this application (username and password labels changed to protect the security of the company). Technicians would enter their AD Admin credentials and the computer name they wanted the password for. it would then give them the current password from LAPS and give the option to force reset it. This application passed code review and is still used in production today.

Application User Interface

Application Icon